Monday, November 24, 2014

Santa Rita, Alto Parana, Paraguay, Mile 307


Greetings today from the fair sized town of Santa Rita, 44 miles west and then south of Ciudad del Este.  This is a most interesting place...

First, the ride.  The wind gods smiled upon me today, there was about a 10MPH wind out of the north north east.  Since I was riding first west and then south, the wind was my friend today.  I left out of my hotel about 8:30 this morning, wearing my Toros del Este T-shirt from the Dominican League in honor of my hotel´s name--Hotel Santo Domingo, and rode two blocks south at which point I turned right on Route 7 and began to retrace my steps from Saturday.  There was about ten miles of up-and-downs, always helped by the wind, and then the highway flattened out a bit.  At Minga Guazu, half a mile before the four lanes reduced down to two lanes, I encountered the turn-off for Route 6 (NOT Route 9 as I mistakenly said yesterday.)  I stopped here to restock on blue gatorade, and headed south.  Route 6 stretches 155 miles from the port city of Concepcion, across from Posadas, Argentina, north to Route 7.  I knocked 26 of those miles off today, meaning I am now 129 miles from the end of the Paraguayan portion of this ride.  Route 6 is neither in as good a shape as Route 7 nor as busy.  I stuck to the shoulders, mostly, and, with the wind, went whizzing through endless fields of Soy Beans.  The thermometer topped out at 105 degrees on the pavement, and I consumed a total of 5 bottles of Gatorade in the course of a 44 mile ride that lasted about three and a half hours.

The Gatorade is something to mention.  I am, as is known, something of a heavy consumer of the products of the Coca Cola Company.  When hot, the first thing I usually want is a cold Coke.  In my previous half a dozen long bike trips, five down here and one on the Blue Ridge Parkway, I have consumed copious quantities of the stuff with no ill effects.  Perhaps I am getting older, or wiser, but after having real problems with the heat on Sunday a week ago riding around Asuncion and then last Monday on the first leg of this trip, I have knocked off the Coke entirely while riding.  I drink only Gatorade, when I can get it, and water when I can´t.  I still drink my Coke, but in the afternoon, when I am done riding.  Since I started doing that, I have had no problems whatsoever, none, with the heat.  As I mentioned, the only flavor of Gatorade I can find that I will drink is Blue, but most gas stations stock that.  Prices vary anywhere from 7,000 to 12,000 Guaranies for a half-liter bottle, meaning a significant percentage of my total expenditure is going to Gatorade, but it is worth it.

Gasoline in Paraguay runs about $7.00 a gallon, with the price set by the government.  There are many different companies selling the stuff, including ESSO (EXXON) and 76 from the US, PetroBras from Brazil, local brands and ¨Petrosur¨, which is like Citgo--Chavez gas, owned by the socialist paradise of Venezuela.  As I refuse to buy from Citgo in the US, I also refuse to buy from Petrosur´s convenience stores.

I arrived in Santa Rita about 12:30 this afternoon.  I could have gone on, but did not know how far until the next hotel.  I did not know this because of the difficulty I had getting on the internet this morning in my hotel in CDE.  So I stopped here, in a huge Germanic hotel called the Hotel Stauffenberg.  It is a bit expensive, 195,000 Guaranies, but the room is nice and there is a very nice pool which I already used.  Being out of clean clothes, I asked where the nearest laundromat was, and after a shower walked my two bags of filthy clothes around the block to said laundromat.  Being that I AM in Paraguay, and that Paraguay is a Spanish speaking country, I asked in Spanish when my clothes would be ready and how much it would cost.  I got a blank stare, and then a response in Portuguese.  Somewhat non-plussed, I repeated myself in Portuguese, and dropped off the clothes.  Then I walked across the street to a supermarket and bought a bottle of Coke, and the cashier gave me an ¨Obrigada¨ instead of a ¨Gracias¨ when I paid.  So I walked back to the hotel and asked the girl at the counter if, maybe, there might be a few Brazilians in this town, and she responded that ¨we¨ are about 90% of the population.  I wonder what the Paraguayans think about all this, but since I have not actually seen any in this place, I cannot ask them. 

The weather forcast tomorrow is not promising, I might end up staying here an extra day.  I hope not.  Nothing against the place, but I want to keep moving.

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